Church Location & Contacts

Church Address:

Ladman Road
Bristol, BS14 8QH

Tel. 01275 545083

(We do not have an office at the church, so this phone is not regularly manned. If you leave a message we will get back to you. Or use the Church Secretary Email address below)

Church Secretary’s Postal Address:

Stockwood Free Church
12 Warman Close
Bristol BS14 8LZ

Find the Church:

The Church is located at the Eastern (Stockwood Lane) end of Ladman Road on the corner of Bagnall Road.

We are served by the No 2 Bus and there are stops both sides of the road outside the Church. Just ask for “The Free Church” or “Pynne Road”

Please see Google Map below:-


Our Lay Pastor is Lance Mason.

Contact Information

All communications should be through the Church Secretary